Available in Studio Sets Volume 4, Studio Sets Volume 5, Studio Sets Volume 6, Studio Sets Volume 7, Studio Sets Volume 8 Premier and Final Cut both have 3D workflows, other editing programs are adding in features all the time, you will need to check with your manufacturer. We also kick in a depth map so you can introduce depth of field blur. We also throw in some very cool features like UV maps for the screens that you can use in products like After Effects to correctly map video into the screens perfectly in both left and right shots. You get amazing depth and effect of the set with the easy implementation of a single 2D camera. It should be noted that you don't actually need a 3D camera rig to make Stereoscopic 3D virtual sets. The focal point is the talent plane, not infinity. These files come as left and right images with alpha channels in 1920x1080 resolution. Stereoscopic 3D is the new buzzword, if your project needs technical bling, this is a good way to give it some. Available in LiteSets Volume 1, LiteSets Volume 2, AnimSets Volume 1, Studio Sets Volume 1, Studio Sets Volume 2, Studio Sets Volume 3, Studio Sets Volume 4, Studio Sets Volume 5, Studio Sets Volume 6, Studio Sets Volume 7, Studio Sets Volume 8

Our High Definition 1080 version is just like the 720p version except it's 1920x1080. Premiere, Final Cut, Avid, Vegas, Pinnacle and basically any other editing program. png files with alpha channels for the screens and foreground objects (like desks). NTSC is the American (and some other countries) format of television resolution and comes as. 4x3 is a squarish picture, used for most of the last century for television production. Standard Definition is the television format we used before High Definition, it has a lower resolution but is perfectly okay for SD products, webcasts, and youtube videos. Note that not all our products come in all the formats listed below. Below is a list of our formats and what they are used for and with as well as a list of common products that our sets are used with and appropriate formats to use with them. It's important to pick the right format for the program or hardware you are using. Our Virtual Sets come in a variety of formats and work with a large number of products.